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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Why is Israel the most hated nation in the world?

(Written April 8, 2015)

There is no question that Israel is the most hated nation in the world.


Many accusations about Israel abound, for example that Jews drink the blood of Palestinian children.

One of the foremost accusations is that Israel stole the land from the Palestinians.

This accusation has been debated for decades without resolution.

There is little point in repeating the debate issues here, since very few people are interested in the merits of the case.  Minds are made up, and will not be changed.  Each side cites facts in its own support.

One fact is, however, very clear.  The nation of Israel does indeed occupy the land just as surely as the United States, Canada, and other nations in the Americas occupy land that was once trod by indigenous natives.

Indeed, every nation in the world occupies land that was taken from someone else.

This does not, of course, mean that it is okay to steal land.

What it does mean is that one must always begin where one already is.

Should the nations of the Americas return the two continents to the original inhabitants?  That would be chaotic, and leave the Americas open to invasion by hostile foreign forces.

What we can do is to treat all people in accordance with human rights.

The nations of the Americas, despite some darker moments of history, have made great strides in doing this.

Nowhere in the Middle East are all people treated as well as they are in Israel.

This includes Arabs, Palestinians, everyone.

To those who hate Israel, the only solution is to bomb, kill and defame.

Nothing can change their mind, so it is pointless to discuss the matter.  Expatriate Palestinians whom I have personally met say that they came to America because they feared the violent extremism of their Palestinian neighbors.  They don't care who was on the land originally, they simply wish to raise their families in peace and prosperity.

Over the decades, many billions of dollars have been given to the Palestinian people -- enough money to have built schools, hospitals, factories and infrastructure that would have made Palestinians as well off as people in Western Europe.

Instead, the money has been squandered on corruption and weapons for killing.

The Palestinian leaders know that as long as they can keep their people in squalid conditions, as long as they can teach hate and lies, then they will retain power.

The moment that the Palestinian people have jobs, homes, education and healthcare that they easily could have bought with all that money, the terrorist savages will lose their power.

Thus will continue the violence, the hate, and the lost opportunities for peace.

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