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Friday, October 9, 2015

The Bruce Jennerization of America

(Written May 1, 2015)

for The Bold Pursuit

Bruce Jenner suffers from a medical condition known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID).  This is a disorder of the brain in which, while the body knows it is one sex, the brain thinks it is the opposite.  The presently accepted treatment for this malady is not to treat the brain, but instead to surgically mutilate the body, making it superficially to appear to have had a so-called sex-change.  It should be noted that one’s sex never changes.

Another disorder which has a certain resemblance to GID is BIID, or Body Integrity Identity Disorder.  In this malady, the brain considers certain body parts as “not belonging there,” and sufferers of BIID often seek to have normal and functional parts of the body amputated.

In one extreme case, a woman in Britain deliberately injured both her legs so severely that surgeons were forced to amputate them.[1]  Afterward, she declared that she felt more comfortable in her new body.

Likewise, sufferers of GID often state that they feel better after radical surgery to alter their appearance, despite that their body has been brutalized by the surgery.

Presently, the United States is suffering from a societal condition in which it regards homosexuality not as a dysfunction, but rather as a condition to be celebrated.  Not only is the condition to be celebrated by those who applaud it, but also, to be enforceably celebrated by those whose moral and religious beliefs abhor same-sex marriage.  The penalties for refusing to do so can be severe.

We warned that this would happen.  Many of us on the right recognized early on that as far as the left is concerned, anything that is not forbidden is required.  The left condescendingly reassured us that all this talk of forcing people to participate against their will in same-sex marriage was just “scare talk.”  It would never happen.

It happened. 

The First Amendment guarantee of freedom of religion has been drastically eroded over the years, and now that erosion is becoming an avalanche.  Today, it is florists and bakers and photographers who have been punished for refusing to participate in same-sex ceremonies.  There is no logical reason to expect it to end there.  Invitation-printers, limousine-drivers, and clothes-makers, will soon be on the list of Americans who are to be told that their morals are illegal.  Churches which refuse to host and perform same-sex ceremonies will eventually be forced to do so or close their doors.  Teachers and students alike will be muzzled if they object.

There are two kinds of nation in the world, free and tyrannical.  We are witnessing radical social surgery to transform us from a free nation to a tyranny.

[1] http://medlaw.oxfordjournals.org/search?fulltext=apotemnophilia&submit=yes&x=15&y=10

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