for The Bold Pursuit
There is a condition called Body Integrity Identity Disorder
(BIID) which, and this may shock you, causes victims to seek amputation of
healthy body parts, such as their own arms or legs. At present, medical science recognizes that
this is a severe disorder of the brain.
No ethical physician would perform such an amputation, no matter how
strongly the patient requested it. To do
so would be unconscionable.
There is another condition called Gender Identity Disorder
(GID), otherwise known as transgenderism or transsexuality. In this disorder, a person identifies himself
or herself as a member of the opposite sex.
It has many similarities with BIID.
The main social difference between BIID and GID is that
whereas BIID is unambiguously identified as a disorder, GID is on its way to
being considered normal and natural, something to be accommodated by society,
even celebrated. Whereas the ideal
treatment goal for BIID is acknowledged to be research into brain therapy, the
accepted treatment for GID is to surgically mutilate the body to mimic the
somatic features of the opposite sex.
Just to be clear, there is no such thing as sex change
surgery. No one’s sex has ever been
changed. The surgery simply mutilates
the body to disguise its true sex.
We should not be complacent about the eventual imposition,
by force, of the social acceptance of GID.
We made that mistake concerning homosexuality and same-sex
marriage. After years of being assured that
it would never come to this, we now find it to be a civil rights violation to
refuse to provide services in support of same-sex weddings. In time it will become a criminal offense to
even openly disagree with the “homosexual agenda,” a term which once was
laughingly derided.
We have reason to be alarmed. What we have learned about ultra-liberalism
is that it is never satisfied with its victories. It always seeks more. As Donna Shalala (formerly head of Health and
Human Services 1993 – 2001, under Bill Clinton) said when she was chancellor of
the University of Wisconsin (1987 – 1993) at Madison— it is not enough to
merely tolerate homosexuality; it is required that each student and faculty
member must go beyond that, and affirmatively reach out and endorse it.
Her policy at Madison
has since become all but official policy nationwide.
Conservatives were rightfully horrified when public schools
began arranging for abortions to be performed on minor children with neither
the knowledge nor consent of the parents.
Now we find advocacy for doing the same for school children regarding
sex change surgery. Of course such a
thing cannot be hidden from parents, but the end goal is clearly to criminalize
parents, who upon discovery that such a process is underway (beginning with
such things as hormone therapy), object.
At Franklin Elementary School in Newton , Massachusetts ,
Laura Perkins, former board member of GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian and Straight
Education Network, was found to be teaching third grade children, in great
detail, about sexual deviancies, and doing so as a means of teaching the
children to accept them. Any parent who
objected was stonewalled, belittled and subjected to public opprobrium. The school hierarchy is solidly in favor of
indoctrinating children with or without the permission of parents, and even
despite laws specifically forbidding it.
It does no good to simply complain about such debauchment of
our culture. A majority of Americans
oppose the normalization of sexual deviancy, but a minority has succeeded in
taking control of society’s key institutions, including education,
entertainment and news reporting.
The only remedy now consists of civil disobedience. This may take the form of simply transferring
one’s child to a religious school (or home schooling), but even those remedies
have come under attack from the social left, and will eventually be outlawed.
Americans must gird themselves for a long, painful and
difficult resistance to evil. If you
doubt how severe will be the penalties for that resistance, simply look at
history from 1776 onward. If history
does not persuade you, look at the Bible’s final book, The Revelation.
Of course, the social left will assure us that it will never
come to that.
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