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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

They Were Led Like Sheep to the Slaughter

(Written August 11, 2012)
From my earliest childhood, I was vaguely aware of the Holocaust, in which the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews.

But little did I know.

A recent TV documentary puts to rest all the claims that the Holocaust never happened, because the Nazis were compulsive record-keepers. Hundreds of thousands of documents exist in which horrific details of the slaughter were meticulously chronicled by the Nazi bureaucrats.

One of the most instructive type of documents are the letters sent to Jews, ordering them to show up at the railway station at a certain time and date for "deportation."

They did.

Yes, they went obediently to their deaths by the millions.

I had always assumed that the Jews were rounded up by SS and Gestapo troops, and dragged at gunpoint to the death camps.

But the documents reveal that that would not have been possible had the Jews resisted.

To be sure, the residents of Germany were accustomed to obeying all orders from government officials. And to be sure, many of them believed --- or wished to believe --- that they were merely being deported.

But even had this been the case, their docile surrender of their human rights is difficult to understand if you are an American who is well used to demanding accountability from officials.

It is in recognition of this docility that one of the mottos of the nation of Israel is, "Never again."

As Americans, we also must adopt this ethic. We must NEVER yield to tyranny. We must NEVER think that, well, it cannot happen here. And we must never delude ourselves into thinking that the Liberal Establishment would never sink that low.

They most assuredly will, and at the very first opportunity.

In the near future, expect a national or international crisis to occur, in which the US government declares martial law, and demands that all weapons be confiscated, and that all citizens submit themselves to being "relocated."

It is vital that as free citizens, we commit ourselves right now.

NEVER surrender your rights as a sovereign individual citizen.

If we do, it is our death.


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