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Friday, September 11, 2015

Sarah Palin, Calm Before the Storm

(Written August 18, 2012, edited and updated September 11, 2015)
It has been more than seven years since Sarah Palin gave her rousing speech to the Republican national convention in 2008.  In that speech, she both energized the conservative base of the Republican Party, and struck terror into its enemies, not only the enemies among Democrats, but perhaps more so, the enemies of conservatism in the Republican Party itself.

            What followed that speech is the most ferocious and undoubtedly the most prolonged, political hatchet job in the entire history of the nation.  From both the Democrats and from the appeasement faction of the Republican Party, the accusations against her were unrelenting, vicious, and above all, false.
            In order to attack her, Palin’s enemies had to invent a Sarah who had never existed.  They had not only to ignore, but to hide, her record of accomplishments.  Her achievements eclipse anything that her critics could claim on their own resumes, but to those critics, truth means nothing.

            One would have thought that after all those years of turning every stone and finding absolutely nothing against her, the critics might give up.  But quite to the contrary, their frustration has only added further venom to their jealousy and rage.

            For example:  thousands of pages of Palin’s emails were salivated over by the media.  They heralded for days in advance of the release of the transcripts that they would find the smoking guns that they so desperately sought.  They even went so far as to solicit hundreds of volunteers to read through every word.  One could sense their impending leaping for joy at being able to finally sling some mud that might actually stick.

            They found only that Sarah Palin was a competent and honest governor.
            Their disappointment was palpable, but they did not relent in their lies.  If nothing could be found, then something must be made up out of thin air.

Not only was Sarah Palin herself attacked, but also her family.  Her children were made the butt of sordid and vulgar jokes by late night television talk show hosts.
             The litany could go on and on.  One cannot easily encapsulate seven years of smear against the most squeaky clean national candidate we have ever had.

And now we find ourselves in what may seem to some as the twilight of Sarah Palin’s shooting star.
           But this is not the twilight.  It is the calm before the storm-- and the enemies of conservatism know it.  They feel it deep in their bones.  They dread that at any moment, the public will awaken, and actually consider the truth.  Those hordes of people who mindlessly accuse Palin of being --- well, mindless --- may one day finally try to actually think of one single solitary thing that Palin has ever said or done to deserve the accusations hurled against her.

I have no special knowledge of how or when Sarah Palin will emerge from the clouds of deception that her enemies have cast over her.  But I am confident that she will.  History is replete with the stories of great heroes who suffered for years under the heel of their inferiors, only to eventually throw off the false accusations and rise to an important occasion of history.
           Sarah Palin possesses every one of those qualities  of greatness that have, in moments of crisis, changed the course of history for the better.

America is on the road to catastrophe.  Anyone who can do simple arithmetic can see that, unless they are blinded to the truth.
           We need Sarah Palin to lead the nation through the darkest valley it may have ever encountered.  She is up to that task.

            I follow Sarah Palin, because she follows God

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