for The Bold Pursuit
Siding with Bill Maher against liberal hypocrites is sort of
like siding with Syrian dictator and criminal Bashar al-Assad against Islamic
extremists. Let me hasten to add that
while I am thoroughly disgusted with Bill Maher’s vulgarity, I do not view him
as outright evil, but I do consider him to be deceived. Still, I
would not behead Maher for that.
In this extremely vulgar video, Maher makes an important point.
Here is the video which I urge you not to watch, but will
not censor. Its content is framed in
disgusting terms. You have been warned.
Maher correctly points out that liberal Americans are outraged
by the slightest perceived insult against gays, women and other minorities,
while at the same time, defending Islamic extremism as just another culture,
off limits to the same criticisms of religion which they hurl at Christians. According to the left, Israelis defending
their children are considered terrorists, while their opponents who willingly
sacrifice their own children for propaganda are extolled as freedom
fighters. Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
spokeswoman of the Democrat Party, characterizes Republican governor Scott
Walker as pulling the hair of women, but those who support her say little or
nothing about Islamic extremists who actually cut off the heads of little
girls. Yes, liberals are appalled at the
grisly images, but they are careful to restrict their criticisms as tightly as
possible, to avoid offending Islamists.
Islamists mercilessly kill homosexuals, and indeed, subject
anyone who disagrees with their extremist positions to cruel and barbaric
punishments. Yet American liberals,
intolerant of even the slightest hint of Christianity in a classroom, make
excuses for Islamist radicals.
As Maher points out, there is a practical side to offending
Jesus, while walking on eggshells concerning Islam. Christians will forgive you. Islamists will kill you.
Despite that rational fear, liberal hypocrisy is so extreme
in this matter as to be inexplicable. On
the one hand, they support women’s rights, and use the most extreme rhetoric to
denounce what they perceive as even a minor affront to liberal women— except
that they never perceive any affront as minor.
On the other hand, outspoken liberals refuse to openly condemn
the Islamic practice of keeping women tightly under the control of the men in
their lives. In countries ruled by
Islamic leaders, women— and even small girls— are subject to the death penalty
for the smallest infractions, including merely flirting with a man. Simply giving the appearance of impropriety
can result in death by stoning— in public to applauding crowds. Sometimes the executions are willingly
carried out by family members.
What kind of poison could infect a human soul to this degree
of perversion?
Instead of condemning Islamist misogynists, American
liberals refer to the Little Sisters of the poor as “dirty,” because they
refuse to sign away their rights, refusing to fund certain types of
contraception they consider to include abortion. One would think, listening only to Liberals,
that the Little Sisters were beheading babies, while they were silent when
Kermit Gosnell was in effect doing exactly that to babies born alive in an
abortion clinic.
One could rant all day about liberal hypocrisy and the
enabling complicity of most news media.
There were Germans who in the 1930s railed against the Nazis, and were
then exterminated for their courage.
Yet, the futility of it all did not stop them from speaking out.
None are so deaf as those who will not hear, and speaking to
liberals about these matters rarely does any good. Even so, despite the seeming futility of it
all, we must speak out, if not to save the world from liberals, then at least
to save perhaps one liberal from himself.
We must do that, because our duty is to save every soul we can. The stakes are too high to ignore that duty. The penalties for the liberals are even
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil. . . .
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