Life, consciousness and volition are
fundamental realities which disprove the physicalist paradigm. This is the new and necessary paradigm that
is emerging from science.
consciousness and volition are physically detected phenomena that defy purely
physical explanation, but which can be better understood in terms of the new
The current
paradigm, or philosophy, upon which modern science is based, is called physicalism. Physicalism declares that everything in the
physical universe can be described by, and only by, other physical things. It is circular logic. Simply stated, physicalism finds that it is handy to think of the physical universe as an intricate composition of its fundamental constituents. It declares those fundamentals to be space-time and energy-mass, along with basic forces and mathematical constants, all of which are governed by natural law. This is the natural-material, or physicalist, universe. Science has found no practical reason to look outside of, or beyond, any physical explanations for physical phenomena.
Until now.
the science establishment regards life, consciousness and volition (free will)
as arising from physical reality. They
do not. Instead, they are at its core. If anything, physical reality arises because
of them. The failure to recognize this,
is a serious error which limits the potential of physicists to comprehend how
nature really operates.
Among its
errors, physicalism denies that true, free will can exist. In addition, it fails utterly to explain
inward consciousness, and it incorrectly defines life as merely a chemical process. These errors have profound consequences, as
demonstrated in the following:1) If there is no free will, then there is no true science, because without volition, scientists could draw only those conclusions which nature forces them to draw, regardless of their accuracy or inaccuracy. Free will is forbidden in the physicalist paradigm.
2) Inward consciousness permeates our entire waking lives, and yet it is a total and complete mystery to science, not only as to how it arises, but even as to what it is.
3) Life, although it is the most studied and best understood of the three, is considered to be only a chemical process, nothing more. Its intricate connection to the very foundations of the universe is considered to be nothing more than happenstance. The false perception is, that life is the chance byproduct of an unknowing, uncaring cosmos. It isn’t.
current paradigm, known as natural materialism, or physicalism, explains
physical reality only in terms of itself.
Any evidence that cannot be explained in physical terms is disqualified,
based on the rules of physicalism. The
physicalist paradigm admits of no plan, no purpose, and no objective standards
of morality underlying nature.
The circular
rules of physicalist science define physical things only in terms of
themselves. Therefore, they
automatically exclude, or at the least discourage, investigation into avenues
that could otherwise help explain certain experimental results that are
currently puzzling scientists. They do
nothing to explain inward consciousness.
They deny that true volition even exists at all. A new paradigm will, at the least, free
scientists to consider possibilities that are currently forbidden to serious
The new
paradigm might be called “Cosmic Intent,”
but let’s not play with words. The clear
implication is that physical nature was created. The Creator cannot be adequately described,
except in terms that recognize it as God.
The new paradigm, then, is best termed, “The God Paradigm.” It rejects
the old idea, the idea that the universe is the product of an unknowing,
uncaring complex of chance and purposeless natural laws. The arguments against the old idea are so
numerous and systematic that one must be chained to a physicalist ideology to
believe it.
God is
alive, conscious, and exercises divine will.
He does so with a plan, purpose and meaning that we are given the power
to investigate—by means of our own life, consciousness and free will, with
which He has endowed us.
The God
Paradigm Incorporates Life, Consciousness and Volition, Not Random Chance, as
the Underlying Principles of Reality
Life is
not merely a chemical process.
Consciousness is utterly unexplained by physical science. Volition (free will) allows us to make
decisions that are not dictated by the physical chain of cause-and-effect.The universe was created. It did not create itself, nor was it created by blind, indifferent forces, nor by chance.
If chance is invoked to explain our unlikely existence, then we must consider the most likely outcomes of chance, before relying on the least likely. Were we the product of chance, then the overwhelming likelihood is that we would exist in a universe that is far less elegant, and far less ordered, than ours. We ourselves would be far more primitive, and far less likely to have produced the arts, the technology, and the systems of ethics and law, that we have.
The chances of these things occurring, the likelihood of the conditions in which we live, are so low that they cannot be explained by the random interactions of atoms and energy that physicalism relies upon to describe our existence.
We have barely scratched the surface in debunking chance. Planet earth is not merely suited for life; it is prime real estate for the development of a civilization that can reach for the stars, while at the same time, asking why we reach for them.
Far more likely it is that we should live on a planet that barely supports life, that allows us to eke out a meager existence, the atmosphere of which conceals the stars with clouds, and on which none of the minerals and metals exist from which technology can be built. It is overwhelmingly more likely that by chance alone, a planet would produce a society in which people are mere slaves to tyrants, people who never yearn to be free.
Those are the overwhelming odds which would decide who we are. Instead, we have not merely technology, but also poetry, the Golden Rule, and the ability to appreciate the beauty of nature.
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